Children on the Trail of the Subcarpathian Hero.
Children on the Trail of the Subcarpathian Hero.Video-report
March 30, 1853, marks the first day the kerosene lamp was lit by its inventor, Ignacego Lukasiewicz. What would the world look like without Lukasiewicz’s invention? We can only guess, but what we do know for certain is that his creation opened the world up to exciting opportunity and advancement. By July 31, 1853, kerosene lamps were used for the first time to illuminate the operating rooms in the city hospital in Lviv. It wasn’t long after that they became widely popular and you could see them in homes, offices, schools, and street lamps.
The film “Lukasiewicz’s Legacy” was created to commemorate the life and legacy of Lukasiewicz, a well-known scientist that lived in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship of Poland. We set out with a script and together with children from the Podkarpackie Voivodeship we made an educational film that can be shared online. The film was made in 2022, which Poland marked as the “Year of Ignacego Lukasiewicz” to celebrate Lukasiewicz’s 200th birthday.
We filmed “Lukasiewicz’s Legacy” in various towns throughout the Podkarpackie Voivodeship to show that he was not only born here, he worked throughout the Voivodeship, and he died here. Throughout the film we answer questions from the children.You get to know Lukasiewcz as a scientist, independence activist, social worker, and philanthropist.
We created the film in a way that would appeal to young viewers. We wanted this film to motivate children to learn more about science and social activities. We have also included English subtitles so we could reach a wider audience. The video was filmed during the months of May thru October of 2022.
The project was created in partnership with the Podkarpackie Voivodeship.
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