“Girls ConnAction” is a project created by the Subcarpathian Association for Active Families aimed at helping teenage girls with their social developments. We teach them how to set clear boundaries, we show them ways they can face moments in their life that can be difficult, and we teach the girls how to deal with situations when they feel they are not being treated equally.
The project is for girls aged 15-18 years old that live in the Podkarpackie region. The project is conducted in the form of workshops, educational trips, and social initiatives. In December 2022, we wrapped up work with a group that had 24 girls participating in it.
In the project we hold several Workshops that talk about the prejudice and inequality that affect the girls today and teach them how to effectively deal with them. We also learn about historical female figures. These Workshops take place in Rzeszow and/or online.
- Social Competence Workshops – Dealing with difficult situations, shaping an assertive attitude and interpersonal communication.
- Cooperation Workshops – Building relationships between participants.
- Creating Social Campaigns Workshops – Spreading awareness by teaching the girls how to create their own campaigns back home.
In May 2022, we hosted a 4-day camp for the girls. The goal of this camp was to teach the girls how to create their own social initiatives in the Podkarpackie region. The girls were divided into groups and were given a task to create their own separate initiative related to equality. We had counselors available to provide support and motivation when needed.
Food and housing were provided for the girls free of charge and we had safety procedures in place due to the pandemic.
This project was funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway from the EEA Funds under the Active Citizens-Regional Fund Programme.
Project Value: EUR 27,469.91