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With a visit to Medynia – a field game through the pottery basin

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With a visit to Medynia – a field game through the pottery basin

In 2018, during the XXIII Pottery Fair in Medynia Glogowska, our association conducted a highly engaging field game. We developed it on behalf of the Municipal Cultural and Recreation Center in Czarna, with financial support from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (MKiDN).

The riddles and puzzles led the participants of the game to the solution, and the correct answers were rewarded with valuable pottery.

The game was so popular and recognizable that the organizers decided to include it permanently in the program of the Pottery Fair, which each year attracts both residents of the surrounding villages and visitors from all over Poland.

Involved in the fun, fair participants not only learned about pottery traditions and customs but also discovered unusual souvenirs and treasures of the basin stored in private homes.

Everyone who turned up at the information desk located at the Pottery Homestead in Medynia Glogowska and picked up a set of materials (a folder on the art of pottery and a brochure with tasks) had the opportunity to learn 11 puzzles that led through the attractions of the Pottery Trail. 

Just follow the clues, explore the described places, and look for the answers. 

Of course, there were also prizes waiting for the participants. The most valuable ones were designed, Medynia-made, award-winning vessels — wonders of pottery art at a prestigious competition.

Text: Jan Marković 

Photos: Municipal Center for Culture and Recreation in Czarna 

Graphic design and typesetting: Marcin Stachów 

Publisher: Municipal Cultural and Recreation Center in Czarna 

Year of publication: 2018

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