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Edukraina – Cultural Heritage in the Kyiv Region, an Educational Program for Preschoolers 

Edukraina is a Polish-Ukrainian project promoting the natural and cultural heritage of the Kyiv region to its residents. The site pays special attention to the formation of cultural capital in preschool and early school-age children. Therefore, the site offers games, videos, articles, descriptions of places, or a unique passport. The materials posted here may prove helpful and inspiring for teachers or parents who will be able to plan a fascinating trip or educational activities in kindergarten. 

The program „Cultural Heritage in the Kyiv Region” was created in partnership between two organizations: the Subcarpathian Association for Active Families (PSAR) and the Center for Child Development „Bilchenya” run by individual entrepreneur Olga Zelenkovska. 

The project is co-financed by funds from the Polish-American Freedom Foundation under the RITA (Region in Transition) program, implemented by the Education for Democracy Foundation. It is an adaptation of the project implemented in 2018 by PSAR.

The successful educational program „Subcarpathian Culture for Preschoolers” was awarded by the National Heritage Institute.

The aim of the project is to use the value of the cultural heritage of the Kyiv region in the social development of its residents through the dissemination and promotion of heritage and its values among teachers and parents of preschool and early school-age children. 

The project is a consequence of many discussions with the Ukrainian partner about the educational system in Ukraine—its priorities, goals, ways to achieve them, and obstacles to success. During these discussions, it became apparent that the „Subcarpathian Culture for Preschoolers” project carried out by PSAR in 2018 fits perfectly with the needs of Ukrainian educational institutions. Today, we know that the implementation and execution of these activities in Ukraine are the beginning of a change in the thinking of both the families covered by the program and many cultural institutions and local government units.

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